Next due date: rolling throughout the academic year
Full-time graduate students whose research is performed at SAFL are invited to submit a proposal for funding to travel to a professional conference. Preference is given to students who will be presenting their research results at the conference and who have had a manuscript on their research accepted for publication in a referred journal in the previous 12 months.
The maximum amount of the award is $500. Students may receive a maximum of two travel awards, one in the Master's program, and one in the Ph.D. program (if applicable) during their studies.
Interested students should submit:
- A letter proposal, endorsed by the advisor, which explains why the travel award is needed.
- An itemized estimate of travel expenses and funding sources.
- A resume that includes a list of publications.
- If relevant, the abstract of the paper to be presented at the conference and proof of acceptance. If the paper is submitted but not yet accepted, the student is encouraged to submit the application without the acceptance letter.
- If relevant, a copy of a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal in the previous 12 months, or a letter from a journal indicating acceptance of a paper for publication.
To apply for this award: Students may submit their request along with their CV and transcript to [email protected]. Requests must also have faculty support. There is no deadline for these requests.