Summer 2022
Woonghee Lee

Summer course at CISM (International Center for Mechanical Science) on “Fluid Flows and Phase Change of a Solid”, July 25- 29, 2022 in Udine UD, Italy.
Spring 2017
Jiaqi You
Jiaqi You at the Phycological Society of America Annual Meeting 2017
Mirko Musa
Fall 2016
Gerard Salter
Gerard Salter showing off his poster in the Gilbert Club in Berkeley, CA after the Fall 2016 AGU meeting.
Fall 2015
Jonathan Czuba
Jon Czuba "pops up" at the Gilbert Club at UC Berkeley following his award-winning presentation at the AGU meeting in San Francisco, CA.
Ashish Karn
Ashish explains cavitation at the American Physical Society in Boston.
Abigail Tomasek
Abby explores the giant trees in the Muir Woods after her presentation at AGU in San Francisco.
Spring 2015
Ali Ebrahimian
Ali shows off his award received at the EWRI Conference at Austin, TX.
Toni Calderer
Mohammad Danesh
Mohammad (in yellow circle) made dozens of friends at the Catchment Science Conference in Andover, NH.
Craig Hill
Craig gets a history lesson at the WWII memorial during his trip to the IMREC & METS in Washington, D.C.